Thursday, June 9, 2011

a day at the market...

After our exciting trip into Lima last night for church, we were all still a little tired from the dancing and congo line.  Yes, we were part of a 50 or so person congo line in church!  So fun and let me tell you, the Peruvians know how to worship with a passion.  I wasn't sure exactly what we were singing, but it was a blast none the less.

Anyway, this morning, we were able to acompany the ladies that run the children's home into town to the market for the weekly trip to purchase groceries. In my sheltered mind I was thinking a Wal-Mart type place.  Not so much.  The first thing we see is about 40 chickens hanging from the ceiling, plucked and ready to be cooked. Then we see some pig heads and behinds.  Not really anything that is on my grocery run. It was very interesting walking around this huge market with booth after booth of food, clothing, shoes, toys, and about anything else you could ever need.

Before I left for Peru, 2 very generous ladies from Meyer Labs were sweet enough to donate some money to my trip.  Rusty and I decided that it would be best used if I just brought it here to find out if it could cover a need for someone.   After praying for guidence, a need came up amongst the children's home that we are here serving. The ladies that run it were saying that the kids' rooms were starting to stink and were unorganized because they didn't have a specific hamper to put their dirty clothes.  So at the market today, we were able to purchase 5 hampers for them (one for each sibling pair.) After that I had 45 Soles (Peruvian money) left over.  I asked them what else we could buy and the cook said with a shy smile, "a new pot?"  So, off to the pot booth we went.  Trying to be humble, she picked one out that I would cook mac-n-cheese in, just for me!  She has to cook for at least 14 so we said "mas grande!"  After reassuring her that if we were going to buy a pot we needed to buy the right one, she picked out the one she wanted. We asked how much it was and were not surprised when she simply said "45 Soles!"  God is so cool with the details of things. So, special ladies, you helped purchase the cook a pot that will help greatly in cooking for that many and will help with dirty laundry. :-)
Then tonight we had the honor of eating dinner at the children's and were served a special Peruvian soup.  The lady that runs the place said that she loved the started soup and if we didn't eat it all, she would treat us like she does the kids and give us chores. Then out came the chicken soup.

 Not exactly like we have since there was a boiled chicken foot in the broth with noodles.  Yes, a chicken foot fresh from the market run.  So after some great photo opps and a quick chicken foot high five, we were done with the soup.  I will probably not be trying to make that one.

Other than that, we are having an amazing time. The kids are great and are really just kids. A game of tag is a game of tag, and laughter knows no language barrier.  (Which is great because I am pretty sure I have lost about all of my Spanglish!)  We should have a great day tomorrow. Amy and I are starting the day at 5:30 to french braid all of the girls' hair for their big flag day parade!  Right up my ally, right?  Loving it!
Lots of love to my boys (all three) and to all that are helping me be able to be here. God is showing me some really cool things about myself and I am truly grateful to be able to make this journey.
(Baby, tell Bryce I found a long pokey thing for him at the market today!! And maybe give them a couple extra kisses for me.  Love you!)


  1. Amanda - awesome post! thanks for sharing your adventures! note has been taken - if we ever do a conga line on Sunday morning at GW - youre leading! :) your vivid description of the market took me back to my first trip to the market in Jerusalem. :) VERY culturing indeed. makes you appreciate walmart and hyvee a bunch! and i am still laughing about the chicken foot! great pic! :) most of all though, i LOVED the story about the 45soles! our God is such a God of details! what an amazing testimony to how intricately involved in our lives He is when we are walking in step with the Spirit! i am confident it will be a story you will tell for years and will forever shape your view of our God. Praying for you guys! Keep seizing every moment! blessings! amyv

  2. What a joy to read of the day's events. I can almost see, hear and smell things that you are describing. God is so powerful and good to know the needs of His people and provide all for them. What a blessing to read all the posts of you servants!! You listen and obey God and the children are receiving the blessings, too. Praying for you all. Peggy

  3. Hi Amanda,
    I was thrilled to read your post also. The vivid description of the market was so enlightening. I was not surprised about the 45 Soles being just the right amount, because that happened to my husband and me once when we had a debt to cover and didn't have a clue what to do about it. The very day it was due, a ck showed up in the mail for the same amount that we were praying about. God is so Amazing if you just ASK and BELIEVE. I pray the rest of your trip is as wonderful as the first days have been. May God continue to Richly Bless You and the Entire Team!
