Monday, June 6, 2011

Who is God to you?

         Our second day here in Peru is coming to a close. As I listen to all of the laughter and fellowship in the background, my heart is full of joy. I never thought being on a completely different continent, I could still feel like I am home. I think it is because God really does live in my no matter where I am, He is there. He is here. I see God everywhere. When I was here 2 years ago, I couldn't see God anywhere it seemed. Isaiah had been gone only 6 months, and life just seemed so unfair. This time around, I feel like a completely new person, and I am now able to see things and feel things in a completely new way. I am so thankful to God for turning that pain and sorrow into joy and for this reason and so many others, God is my Redeemer.
        Today we got to go into the heart of Chilca and split up into groups to walk through the streets and pray for the community. In the group I was a part of, we met with three young boys ages 9, 6, and 2. they were so sweet and loving. We took pictures of them and with them and then we knelt down around them and prayed for their lives to be lead by Christ and for them to know His love and they grow up. It was such a sweet experience. We then headed to the school that the kids of Hannah's Home attend. We got to pick them up and take them home on the big bus. As they got all loaded up, I met eyes with a precious little girl that stole my heart when I was here two years ago. Her name is Naomi. She saw me, smiled, and ran straight to my seat and sat with me. In that moment, I was pretty sure my heart would melt. We couldn't talk to each other because we don't speak the same language, but we really didn't have to. Just sitting together was more than enough for me. When we got back to Hannah's, we gave them the gifts we brought and then they had to get to their homework. so we all split up and headed to our assigned jobs for the afternoon. I was with a few people doing preparation for the soccer field that the football boys will be working on in a couple weeks. It consisted of shoveling rocks into wheel barrels and moving it to the field to fill in the low spots. We then moved dirt onto the field to level out the ground. It was 2 hours of hard work and I loved every minute of it, especially since there was so much opportunity for talking laughing, and getting to know a few of my team members better. At about 5, we headed back to Ola Grande where we ate dinner. Instead of the usual chicken, rice, and french fries of the last trip I had here, we got the most delicious steak and veggie stir-fry along with the above-mentioned carbs. We all enjoyed dinner very much and even got to have birthday cake for one of our translators. Without them, we would be in bad shape. The four translators that are a part of the team are a very crucial piece of this journey. We are all very grateful for them, and are all enjoying getting to know them!
       So I am realizing that this has gotten a little long and strayed away from my original point....Who is God to you? I challenge each of you reading this to really seek and pray about how you would answer that question. I have about a hundred different answers but ultimately, He is always faithful!
     Can't wait to get back home and hug my family! I love you, Matt, Ethan, and Esther!


  1. Hi Sweetie, I can only imagine the joy in Naomi's eyes when she saw you on the bus! To her. you are god because of your love and compassion. Like you said, God is in your heart and it shines with amazing glory! I love that you write of the laughter--such a sweet image knowing how exhausted you all must be. We're praying for you and the entire team to have a Blessed and Rewarding Tuesday! I Love You!
    (As I was reading your blog, I kept thinking of the saying--"To the world, your one person, but to One Person, you are the World"---Shine Bright, Mary!)

  2. PS, Mary--tell Alyssa she has been on my heart every day and I'm praying for her to have an Amazing Journey. I've known her Mom for years and I remember when she was just a baby!! Thanks!

  3. God is my PROMISE KEEPER! Mary I remember beign there with you, Praise God for all he has done in your heart. It is such a blessing to see how God has worked in you over time!!! You... are an amazing woman.
    I know God is so faithful, when we seek Him... we do find Him! Jeremiah 29:11-13
    Love you Team Peru 2011!
